Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Forum: New York
Subject: A New Home for a New Unlife
Posted By: Ceangal (at 10:21)
As he steps in he throws back a couple rather large braids behind his shoulder, weighted with shaped glass and metal, and extends the hand out, greeting Krypto with a firm handshake. His eyes, remained in the man's since he spotted him and smirks softly, reading the expression of surprise, rather than thoughts. "Aye ya, we pop out of the woodwork here, Krypto." He giggles cause that's what he calls his goodsh*t. "I am Ceangal an tEarrach droai..." The hard consonants mixing into fluid syllables, it was all Gaelic, and he released the man hand, warming the room with his smile. ".. but Cean is fine, it is a pleasure to met you... I hope you won't curse me for taking away your monopoly of the beautiful women tonight?"