Sunday, December 4, 2011

Themed Zombies ~ Contest Returned!!!

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Ilayda Amsel said:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Corrupt a Wish Foundation

(Dungeon Forum)
Sienna Stevenson said:
Ellen in my bedroom? Hell yeah.</p>
Granted! It&#39;s made of lit dynamite! Hey, that&#39;s gotta blow... *Zing!*</p>
I wish Justin Bieber&#39;s would be attacked by a thousand fluffy zombie kittens and become some humanoid cat zombie creature.</p>

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Unique codes

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Blythe said:

Q Sweat PP.

That's just sick..

The Innocent

(Dungeon Forum)
Archer said:
Being escorted to his cell, Archer was looking around and spotted Jenna and waved. &quot;Hey Jen! Came to bust you out but...&quot; He trailed off, nodding at the guards. &quot;I was kinda...yea...caught.&quot; He said, walking into the cell across from hers, waving happiy. &quot;Next time!&quot; He said hopefully.</p>

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Carter's Bookstore for Magical History and Spellbooks

(Neighborhood Forum)
Saphara Adal said:
Saph returned setting a stack of fliers down at the front desk, wondering around to search for Fenrir, not finding him in the store, she headed up the stairway.</p>

Friday, July 8, 2011

Here on Out Things Only Get Worse!

(London Forum)
Killian said:
&quot;I know&quot; he said, &quot;I don&#39;t even want to think about what she could have done&quot;</p>

Friday, May 20, 2011

Brotherhood Mansion, Kent

(London Forum)
Killian said:
&quot;I wanted to&quot; he said quietly, &quot;Until I heard him out&quot;</p>

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Otterly Quotes ®

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Simi said:
I would love a quote as well, mother of all Zombies!&nbsp;</p>

Otterly Quotes ®

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Simi said:
I would love a quote as well, mother of all Zombies!&nbsp;</p>

Brotherhood Mansion, Kent

(London Forum)
Killian said:
&quot;Even so&quot; he said, &quot;Great, more relatives&quot; he sighed, shaking his head, &quot;So Jose&#39;s been related all along?&quot;</p>

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Brotherhood Mansion, Kent

(London Forum)
Killian said:
&quot;He&#39;s moving in with us Fritz, we got a room for him? I&#39;ll introduce yo to everyone&quot;</p>

Brotherhood Mansion, Kent

(London Forum)
Jasmina said:
Closing my eyes &quot;Did he come at you before he seen the blade Ehli? Was he beating on you when you butchered him. He was doing more than beating on Ryan wasn&#39;t he?&quot;</p>

Monday, May 9, 2011

Brotherhood Mansion, Kent

(London Forum)
Jasmina said:
V looks up sheer terror in his eyes &quot;Brother help me through this please.&quot;</p>
Cop &quot;V, buddy we&#39;re all with you everyone of us will protect you of that you have to be certain&quot;</p>

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Three Word Story

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
mist said:
Legs and chest</p>

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shipping Up to Cape Cod....not Boston

(New York Forum)
Jasmina said:
Rhage &quot;C&#39;mon bro that is the harmless fun I have at the compound I like the popcorn machine&quot;</p>

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ask Otter!

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Stella said:
Lyssa, you made the lil pooping machine, WAY too late to pawn it off on Otter now. :P

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Madam Pomfrey's Wonder Emporium

(New York Forum)
Killian said:
&quot;I&#39;m not gonna test it&quot; he sighed, &quot;Not a chance.&quot;</p>

Madam Pomfrey's Wonder Emporium

(New York Forum)
Killian said:
&quot;I&#39;m not gonna test it&quot; he sighed, &quot;Not a chance.&quot;</p>

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cherry Blossom Temple (Anyone may join)

(Realm Forum)
Arcania Dragonis said:
Arcania nodded, sighing softly. "He os the one who turned me into a vampire in the first place." she explained and sighed softly again.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Moonlit walk down the coast.

(Sydney Forum)
Topaz said:
*she smiled and took his hand* what is it? You've been giving me alot of surprises.

Monday, March 28, 2011

new contest

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Alyssa said:
I'm a weremutt, I crave flesh or whatever it takes for you to believe me.

~*~ Myst's Black Rose Dance Club ~*~ LXXIV ~*~ (Current)

(The Black Rose Forum)
Eragon Downing said:
&quot;That&#39;s a nice name. Mind if I sit next to you?&quot; he asked pointing to the empty seat next to her. He was willing to make a new friend.</p>

Thursday, March 24, 2011

new contest

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Alyssa said:
... I like fish sammiches. I'd just like you to know this.

Cherry Blossom Temple (Anyone may join)

(Realm Forum)
Arcania Dragonis said:
Arcania smiled shyly, walking over and sticking to the shadows. "Bonjour." she said, a french accent in her voice.

Cherry Blossom Temple (Anyone may join)

(Realm Forum)
Arcania Dragonis said:
Arcania smiled shyly, walking over and sticking to the shadows. "Bonjour." she said, a french accent in her voice.

Cherry Blossom Temple (Anyone may join)

(Realm Forum)
Arcania Dragonis said:
Arcania smiled shyly, walking over and sticking to the shadows. "Bonjour." she said, a french accent in her voice.