Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The girl who knows no joy.

(Realm Forum)
Everett Genesis said:
*he took her in his arms and sat in the swing swinging back and forth gently humming* you will be ok i promise

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Interview with Veronica N. Davis

(Interviews Forum)
Dr Van Helsing said:
She is 19 or 20.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just another day..

(New Orleans Forum)
Candy Cane said:
She glanced over at him and nodded. "Positive." She said, some what quietly. "I'm tired of waiting, and I'm done with it."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Save Folder for Leaders/Confidantes

(Game Ideas Forum)
Jack Horton said:
*Nomnomnomnom* It's all I ask.

I'm Bored so Entertain me!!

(Realm Forum)
Perstephanie Marie said:
" I don't hang in the Tavren very much, I prefer not to spend time in establishments of drinking, when I can spend it out doing other things!"

Monday, November 16, 2009


(Werewolf Forum)
zedx said:
ill be in i even have something of an idea for the story a group of warriors going to protect there village from the "monsters" then becoming what they set out to fight

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Marriage of Luke and Serenity (All Welcome)

(Realm Forum)
Serenity said:
I repeat the vows, while smiling.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Nice Diner on 35th Street

(Neighborhood Forum)
Serenity said:
I smile, and whisper, "How did I get such an amazing guy as my boyfriend?"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Averie's Castle in the Clouds VI

(Neighborhood Forum)
Lilac said:
*Somewhat shocked by the word 'mommy' coming out of the girls mouths* "are they..are you..? *stutters on, unsure how to ask*

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Have You Ever Wandered?

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Ghost said:
*Walks in carrying my Power Rangers and Ninja Turtle action figures* I challenge your armies...

Danvers' manor

(New Orleans Forum)
Clayton Danvers said:
That's good. *He smiled at her*

The RK Pool Party

(Neighborhood Forum)
Kilir said:
*he walks out to the pool and offers to help him out of the pool*

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

At Death's Door...

(Tokyo Forum)
Artemis Christakos said:
"I sure will Kei. I even have kitchen privileges. What's your fave food? Harry has the best available."

Artemis smiles gently at Kei. "Since Raven has been appointed co-leader. He's really brought the crew together."

The RK Pool Party

(Neighborhood Forum)
Rorix Kravenoff said:
"What do you car? Get the hell out of my house." Turning away he walked into the living room

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Have You Ever Wandered?

(Mortal Thoughts Forum)
Bastet Doe said:
Hee heee! Victory is mine! I shall amass an army of Lego people and take over the world!!!! *stops and looks over Storm's shoulder...drools*

What was I doing?

Averie's Castle in the Clouds V

(Neighborhood Forum)
Mayson Halifax said:
*mayson snaps out of his trance* "Hey babe!" *he winks at tylor* "And you must be the famour Zack? Averie's told me a lot about you"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Faith's home away from home

(Dungeon Forum)
Rusty Ryan said:
*he looks at her* Wow...I had you figured all wrong. I thought you be with that new slayer they call Dark Wolf. But you want T instead *he asks, trying to pass the time*

Friday, November 6, 2009

Profile codes?

(Help Forum)
Eicca said:
Any other questions while i lazy about in this thread?

Because man am i lazying!

It's extreme.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mi Casa! II

(Neighborhood Forum)
Krieger Cage said:
*He followed his wife not knowing where the nursery was yet anyways. That and not truly been giving a tour of the house so his knowledge of the place was very limited.*

Monday, November 2, 2009

Payne's Apartment

(New Orleans Forum)
Payne said:
Smiling he raced faster keeping the lead a quarter mile to the line